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Business Computers

Personal Computers

  1. any trip outside the Vieux-Lyon and Presqu'Ile areas is 3€/km (return trip)
  2. pick-up of a computer is 20€ and includes disassembling, moving, and setting the computer up again. For trips outside the Vieux-Lyon and Presqu'Ile areas, the fee in note (1) will also be charged (for two return trips)
  3. remote maintenance for businesses consists of updating all critical security software on the computer (antivirus, firewall, web browser, operating system, email client, etc.), checking and defragmenting the hard disks, and scanning the computer for viruses and spyware. Since it is not possible for you to use the computer while the maintenance is being performed, please contact us to agree on a convenient time. It is possible to perform the remote maintenance on several computers at the same time.
  4. remote maintenance for personal computers consists of updating all critical security software on the computer (antivirus, firewall, web browser, operating system, email software, etc.). We also provide a list of detailed operations that you will need to perform in order to finish the maintenance (hard disk check and defragmentation, virus and spyware scans). Since it is not possible for you to use the computer while the maintenance is performed, please contact us to agree on a convenient time.